Our Global Partners

We're focused on building community and seek partners who can add value to our members' organizations, team members, and clients. Together, we aim to heighten member benefits and strengthen relationships. Our partnership opportunities include:
Community Partner

Our Community Partners have the opportunity to engage with LEA members through our online resources and communications. 

Benefits include:

  • Promotion as a Global Partner on our website
  • Promotion as a Global Partner on our member portal, featuring your logo, contact information, a brief description, and a link to your website
    • Plus, the opportunity to include a call-to-action with your listing
  • Four (4) LinkedIn shout-outs per year 
  • Opportunity to submit two (2) thought leadership pieces for publication in our member portal
  • Featured as a Global Partner in two (2) LEA email newsletters per year
    • Limited to six (6) partners per email
    • Email placement is subject to change with LEA's communication strategy

Community Partner benefits run for 12 months. We welcome Community Partner queries throughout the year.

Conference Partner

Please be advised: We are looking to finalize our North America Conference Partners by March 29, 2024. After this date, we may not be able to accept additional partners. Thank you for understanding.


Our Conference Partners benefit from direct engagement with our members at regional and world conferences.

Benefits include:

  • Conference tickets for two (2) attendees with access to general sessions, networking events, the Member Welcome reception, and social outings
  • Access to an exclusive Global Partner reception with LEA members and LEA Global team members
  • Recognition as a Conference Partner in the CEO's opening remarks during the main welcome reception
  • Promotion as a Global Partner on conference materials (event page, Cvent app, and event slides)
  • LinkedIn shout-out during conference
  • Access to the list of event attendees and the ability to connect with registrants via the Cvent app
    • Attendees may opt-out. Email addresses are not provided.
  • Opportunity to display company name near registration
  • Recognition as a Global Partner in event recap on member portal, website, email, and LinkedIn
  • Promotion as a Global Partner on our website

Conference Partners may support multiple conferences. The partner benefits listed apply to each conference.

Conference Partner Add-Ons

Conference partners may elect to increase their involvement as a coffee break or prize sponsor. 

Coffee Break Sponsor

  • Featured as a Coffee Break sponsor in Cvent app
  • Company logo or video displayed throughout coffee break area
  • One sponsor per break

Prize Sponsor 

  • Featured as a Prize Sponsor in Cvent app
  • Opportunity to present a gift to a winning delegate during a social outing
  • Introduced as a Prize Sponsor during the social outing

Upcoming Conferences

  • Latin America Regional Conference | August 8 – 10, 2024 | Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
  • Asia Pacific Regional Conference | August 21 - 23, 2024 | Bali, Indonesia
  • World Conference | October 22 – 25, 2024 | Vienna, Austria 


Partnership Pillars

Our partnership program is built on three pillars:


Develop programs that aim to grow talent, capabilities, and skills across firms and people.


Create opportunities for members to share, discuss, and exchange ideas.


Share knowledge, thought leadership, tools, and best practices to advance members' infrastructure, skills, and knowledge.

Our team will monitor and notify our Global Partners of additional engagement opportunities that may arise due to member interest, discussions, or needs. Such opportunities may include presenting to Collaboration Groups, speaking at LEA events, hosting pilot programs, and more.

Become a Global Partner

If your company would like to become a Global Partner, please complete the form below. A member of our team will contact you to discuss your prospective partnership. Thank you!


Our Selection Process


Contact Us

Fill out the form above to communicate your interest in becoming a Global Partner.

Internal Review

Our goal is to build a strong, robust community. While we do not promise service, industry, or product exclusivity, we do conduct an internal review to ensure potential partners are a strong fit and we have a diversity of offerings.


Next Steps

If we feel you're a strong fit for the program, we'll extend an offer to meet to discuss any questions and next steps as well as finalize the details of your agreement and coordinate benefits. 

Thank you Global Partners!